

Сhecked baggage - passenger baggage, which has been accepted by the carrier under its responsibility for transportation and timely delivery and for which the carrier has issued a baggage receipt and issued a baggage identification tag.

Norms of free baggage transportation

For all Passengers of SKYLINE EXPRESS Airlines , except for children under two years, being transportation at the cost of 10% of the adult ticket, the following norms of free transportation of checked baggage are established:

  • economy class (long-haul flights over 6 hours of flight) - 15 kg, with dimensions of each piece (the sum of three dimensions) not exceeding 158 cm, not including cabin baggage (up to 7kg);
  • economy class (medium-haul flights up to 6 hours of flight) - 20 kg, with dimensions of each piece (the sum of three dimensions) not exceeding 158 cm, not including cabin baggage (up to 7kg);
  • premium or comfort (economy) class - 30 kg, with dimensions of each piece (the sum of three dimensions) not exceeding 158 cm, not including cabin baggage (up to 7kg);
  • business class - 40 kg (subject to the weight requirements of one of the luggage places in accordance with clause 3, chapter 1, Section XI of these Regulations), with dimensions of each piece (the sum of three dimensions) not exceeding 158 cm, not including cabin baggage (up to 7kg);
  • service passengers - norms of free checked baggage allowance depends of the class of service in which the passenger is traveling;
  • for children under two years not occupying a separate seat, free baggage transportation is limited to 10 kg (22 pounds), with dimensions of each piece (the sum of three dimensions) not exceeding 115 cm (45 inches) under piece and weight concept. To children aged more than 2, the same rules as to adults shall apply.

Regardless of the rules governing the fare at which the ticket is purchased, the passenger is entitled to carry over free baggage allowance the things which he keeps with him and do not put to the baggage, including ladies and men's bags, paper folder, outerwear, jacket, umbrella or walking stick, printed editions to read during the flight, food for children that is necessary during the flight, children's baby buggy (if a baby under 1 year old), children walking pram and transformed wheelchair and/or crutches. The total weight of items, with the exception of the wheelchair, should not exceed 7 kg

Right to Refuse to Accept Baggage for Transportation

The airline has the right to refuse to accept checked-in baggage if it:

  • dangerous or may cause damage to the aircraft, other passengers or their property;
  • is such that it can be damaged during air transportation;
  • packed improperly;
  • prohibited according to the applicable laws and restrictions of the country of departure, transit or destination;
  • is unsuitable for transportation due to its weight, dimensions or properties;
  • is not the passenger's personal property.

Items not recommended by the airline for check-in

  • fragile things;
  • things that break or perish quickly;
  • electronic equipment (including photo and video equipment, computer equipment, media);
  • Software;
  • money;
  • keys;
  • jewels (precious and semi-precious metals and stones);
  • glasses;
  • antiques and works of art;
  • photographs;
  • fur products;
  • technical documentation, business documents, securities;
  • medicines and medical documentation;
  • passports and other identification documents;
  • samples;
  • unique or irreplaceable things;
  • other valuable items.

In accordance with the "Rules of Air Transportation of Passengers and Baggage" of "SKYLINE EXPRESS" Airline LLC, if a passenger violates the baggage recommendations, the airline is not responsible for the integrity and safekeeping of items not recommended for inclusion in checked baggage.

Conditions of acceptance for carriage of checked baggage

Every piece of baggage must have intact and proper packaging that ensures its safekeeping

during transportation and handling, and makes impossible to cause damage to passengers,

cabin crew, third persons, aircraft, baggage of other passengers or other property, and also

excludes the possibility of free or accidental access to baggage content by outside persons.

Any baggage, which has outside damages that do not affect its integrity during transportation

and handling and cannot cause damage to passengers, cabin crew, third persons, aircraft,

baggage of other passengers or other property, may be accepted as checked baggage with the airline’s consent.

Details about the presence and damage type of the baggage shall be indicated on a baggage receipt (tag) by the airline or its handling agent and may be confirmed also by the passenger.

The airline or its handling agent have a right to require the passenger to additionally pack

his/her baggage.

The airline can to expand the list of items that are not subject to free baggage allowance. Items not covered by the free baggage allowance include items not placed in suitcases, bags, boxes, etc., the dimensions of which in the sum of three dimensions exceed 158 cm, such as:

  • sports equipment;
  • bicycles, except for children's tricycles;
  • Musical Instruments;


  • pets (only dogs and cats);
  • fragile and valuable items.

The specified categories of luggage can be accepted for air transportation, subject to prior agreement with the airline.

Cabin Baggage (Unchecked Baggage)

Cabin baggage (Unchecked Baggage) - passenger luggage , which during the transportation is in the cabin of the aircraft under the control of the passenger himself and under his responsibility, with the permission of the Airline.

Hand luggage shall not contain cutting or sharp items: knives, scissors, needles, knitting needles and other cutting and sharp items.

It is also forbidden to bring on board the aircraft any liquids, suspensions, creams or pastes with a volume of more than 100ml (grams) each.

The total volume of the above-mentioned substances in hand luggage packed in containers of maximum capacity of 100ml (grams) each shall not exceed 1l (1kg) per passenger.

The permission regarding the quantity of items and volume of substances (which are not forbidden to transport) in hand luggage for one passenger may be changed by authorised civil aviation authority.

One piece of hand baggage: weight up to 7kg, dimensions up to 55cm x 40cm x 20cm

Hand luggage is allowed only one pіeсe. Hand luggage with the dimensions specified by the airline which allow their safe placing in the cabin of aircraft on baggage shelves or under the seat shall be accepted for transportation as cabin baggage. It is forbidden to place hand baggage and items allowed for transportation in walkways of the aircraft cabin.

WARNING! Hand luggage shall be under passenger’s control, custody and responsibility

Right to Refuse to Accept Hand Baggage

The airline shall have a right of refusal to accept hand baggage, if hand baggage:

  • is dangerous or may harm the aircraft, other passengers or their property;
  • may be damaged during air transportation;
  • improperly packed;
  • does not meet the requirements of air transportation in terms of weight, dimensions and origin;
  • does not meet the requirements for its placement in the aircraft cabin, i.e. it cannot be placed under the passenger seat or on baggage shelves.

Transportation of some categories of baggage

Bulky, fragile and valuable baggage - such baggage (things) that require special precautions during transportation and due to their properties cannot be transported in the baggage compartment of the aircraft, but can be transported in the passenger cabin, subject to compliance with the requirements.

Such baggage includes:

  • film cameras,
  • television, radio, video equipment, equipment samples,
  • Musical Instruments,
  • artworks,
  • electronic and optical devices, etc.)

Items, which a passenger considers as inappropriate for carriage in cargo hold of the aircraft, shall be accepted for transportation in passenger cabin only with prior consent of the airline.

Carriage of such items shall be paid for by the passenger according to the airline’s rules, and depends on the quantity of seats necessary for their carriage.

The weight of one non-standard baggage piece transported in the aircraft cabin shall not exceed 84 kg and its dimensions should allow luggage to be placed on a separate passenger seat. Packaging of baggage carried in the aircraft cabin must be properly fastened on (a) passenger seat (seats).

Delivery to aircraft of baggage that must be carried in the aircraft cabin, its loading, placing in the cabin of aircraft, unloading and transportation within airport terminals shall be the passenger’s responsibility and shall follow his/her prior request and payment of these services to relevant airport authorities.